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Benefits of Eating Meat

Ideal Cooking Guide: Cooking with Fats, Utensils & Care

Ideal Cooking Guide: Cooking with Fats, Utensils & Care

What we cook our meat with is one of the most important choices to make. Not all oils should be treated the same when it comes to temperature. Some oils and fats can be used at higher temperatures than others.
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From 10 Years As A Vegetarian to an Enthusiastic Meat Eater

From 10 Years As A Vegetarian to an Enthusiastic Meat Eater

After 10 years of eating a strict vegetarian diet, I have officially turned into a full on carnivore. It took some time to come around to the idea of eating meat, but honestly I was not feeling well and needed to do something about it.
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Sous Vide Cooking 101: How To Cook Meat To Perfection

Sous Vide Cooking 101: How To Cook Meat To Perfection

Sous vide is a method of cooking that was at one time only accessible to restaurant chefs. However, in this modern digital age of abundant kitchen appliances ever increasing in sophistication, anyone can now sous vide to their heart’s content. The basic premise is this: Place food in a sealed plastic bag and it goes inside a precision temperature cooker filled with water. It cooks the food to the exact temperature you desire, every single time. This makes results perfectly consistent and produces meat that is cooked the same temperature throughout, rather than cooler in the center and overcooked around the edges.

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Sous Vide Cooking 101 How To Cook Meat To Perfection - Beck & Bulow

What’s The Cooking Process Like With Sous Vide?

The water is slowly heated to an exact temperature using a precision metal coil, so the meat will never cook hotter than whatever temperature you have selected. This means the meat cooks very slowly and gradually. Sous vide is not a quick cooking method - it might take you two hours to cook a steak. However, it’s completely hands off and since the water will never exceed a certain temperature, you don’t have to worry about overcooking. You can add herbs, marinades and seasonings into the sealed container with the meat to create mouthwatering, incredible flavor.

Also Read: How To Cook Wild Boar Bacon To Absolute Perfection

Cooking a steak on the stovetop or grill is definitely quicker, but involves lots of guesswork as to the doneness of the meat and inevitably creates an outside rim that reaches a higher level of doneness. That’s not to say we don’t love cooking steaks with these methods, too - who can deny the primal satisfaction of cooking a steak with fire? But sous vide creates a truly unique experience of meat cooked with the utmost precision and consistency.

What’s The Difference When Meat Is Cooked Sous Vide?

After cooking a cut of meat sous vide, you’ll need to sear the outside for added flavor and texture. The meat will be perfectly cooked all the way through right out of the container. However, until you sear it, it will not have any of that flavorful golden brown crust on the outside. After removing the steak from the cooking container, give it a super quick sear in a really hot skillet - no more than one minute on each side.

Sous Vide Cooking 101 How To Cook Meat To Perfection - Beck & Bulow

When you cook a steak traditionally on a grill in a skillet, the outside inevitably becomes more cooked, resulting in a gradient of doneness from the edges in towards the center. The meat also loses moisture from these methods of cooking. Sous vide creates a perfectly even cook - you’ll wind up with a steak that’s uniformly pink from top to bottom rather than grayish brown on the outside transitioning to a pink or red center. All of the moisture is sealed into the meat so steaks are extremely juicy, plump and tender.

Also Read: How To Cook Slow Cooker Items Quickly In An Instant Pot

Sous vide is best suited to cuts of meat that would benefit from being made super tender. As in, a filet mignon doesn’t get much out being cooked sous vide as it’s already the most tender cut of meat. But for steaks that could use some tenderizing, it can really work some magic. This cooking method isn’t limited to steaks, either. It’s amazing for any cut of meat that you want to cook to tender, juicy perfection - including those cuts with more connective tissue that are the toughest when starting out. Sous vide is great for cooking eggs and vegetables, too.

What Do You Need To Get Started With Sous Vide?

All you need to get started is a precision cooking device, a cooking container and BPA free resealable bags or glass mason jars for holding the food. There are lots of specialized setups available for purchase, and for affordable prices. But it’s also possible to put together your own DIY sous vide system. Some people use coolers, rice cookers or crock pots as their cooking containers. No vacuum sealer is necessary for the bags - you just need something heat proof, resealable and food grade. Even Ziploc freezer bags can get the job done just fine. However, if you do have a vacuum sealer, sous vide can be absolutely golden for weekly meal prep. You can sous vide cuts of meat in advance and they will last all week vacuum sealed in the fridge. Simply take one out and give it a quick sear, and your dinner is ready in minutes.

Sous Vide Cooking 101 How To Cook Meat To Perfection - Beck & Bulow

Just like with any method of cooking, the best results come when you use the best ingredients. Quality meat tastes amazing - period. Combine that with a secret weapon restaurant cooking method and you’ll find yourself enjoying meals that outshine the best ones you’ve had cooked for you by a professional chef. Once you try sous vide, you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to create an impeccably cooked piece of meat.

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4 Reasons Kids Need To Eat Quality Meat Growing Up

4 Reasons Kids Need To Eat Quality Meat Growing Up

Kids simply need meat to grow to their full potential. Physically, they get bigger and stronger than if they’re raised on a vegan diet. But high quality meat is also hugely important for brain development. In fact, eating meat is what allowed ancient hominids to grow bigger brains and evolve into modern-day humans.
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4 Things To Know About How Fat From Meat Can Be Healthy

4 Things To Know About How Fat From Meat Can Be Healthy

Many of us have been taught at some point that fat is not good for us. I know I encountered this philosophy often growing up. Our bodies actually thrive when we consume plenty of good fats. They help us to have steady, maintained energy levels and healthy brain function.
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Top 5 Reasons That Eating Meat Can Make You Smarter

Top 5 Reasons That Eating Meat Can Make You Smarter

If you’ve been including quality meat in your diet for a significant amount of time, you might be familiar with the feelings of brain fog or fatigue you can experience when it’s been too long since you enjoyed a meat-based meal.
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Top 3 Reasons Women Benefit From Eating More Red Meat

Top 3 Reasons Women Benefit From Eating More Red Meat

Eating pasture raised meat is incredibly beneficial for the health of humans in general. Quality meat has such a wealth of nutrients that it seems as if it’s a superfood made for each and every one of us to benefit from. For women, there are some specific things meat can provide that are really remarkable.
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Top 5 Reasons To Include More Grass Fed Meat In Your Diet

Top 5 Reasons To Include More Grass Fed Meat In Your Diet

Many of us have been taught at some point that meat is unhealthy and bad for the environment. However, it’s simply not true when you’re consuming pasture raised meat. This common misconception is misleading and harmful. The reality is, eating grass fed meat has so much to offer us in so many ways.

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Top 5 Reasons Quality Meat Is Vital For Pregnant Women

Top 5 Reasons Quality Meat Is Vital For Pregnant Women

Pasture raised meat has an incredible nutritional profile that is valuable for any human being, but can be especially important during pregnancy. Quality meat could be considered a super-food for all of the highly bio-available protein, vitamins and minerals it contains.
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4 Reasons To Eat More Meat During These Unprecedented Times

4 Reasons To Eat More Meat During These Unprecedented Times

As we move ever onward into the future, it seems inevitable that for humans to thrive on this planet we will need to return to ways of being more in alignment with the rhythms of the earth. There’s evidence that factory farming is a breeding ground for not only potential viruses that could turn into pandemics, but also undeniable environmental harm and unethical practices.
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The Real Reason Some Americans Are Eating Less Meat

The Real Reason Some Americans Are Eating Less Meat

Here at Beck & Bulow, we’re all big believers in the life changing benefits of eating free range meat. It’s changed our lives - and many of us on the team used to be vegetarian or vegan. In the United States, meat eating has steadily increased over the years.

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Why The Desire To Eat Meat Is So Ingrained In Humans

Why The Desire To Eat Meat Is So Ingrained In Humans

Our relationship with eating meat goes back for millenia. Thinking about the very first meat eating humans can really get the imagination going - what a revelation that first bite must have been. Scientists think that it may have been as a result of a drastic climate shift which made the Earth much hotter and dryer.

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