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Benefits of Eating Meat

Tips For Transitioning Away From Vegetarianism

Tips For Transitioning Away From Vegetarianism

It can be a really big step to start eating meat again after choosing a vegetarian or vegan diet for a significant period of time. I know from experience, I used to be vegan. Much of this transition is psychological. Many of us chose a meat free diet because we believed that we were doing the right thing for the animals and the planet.

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Why Your Kids Need High Quality Meat To Grow & Develop

Why Your Kids Need High Quality Meat To Grow & Develop

Kids need meat to grow to their full potential. Physically, they get bigger and stronger than if they’re raised on a vegan diet. But high quality meat is also hugely important for brain development. In fact, eating meat is what allowed ancient hominids to grow bigger brains and evolve into modern-day humans.
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